In addition to standard 4NT RKC0314,

Bidding 4 Clubs or 4 Diamonds, by either opener or responder, is ALWAYS strength/ace-asking bid (means you give up playing 4C or 4D).    

Exceptions:  (1) opponents said something, in that case 4C/4D can be bid naturally, if you or partner bid them previously (2) 1H/S/2C/D "opener" never asks for aces, if he goes over 3NT in describing his distribution,  responder uses the other two suits instead of 4C/D to ask for aces, cheapest suit 4C or higher (bypass NT) instead of 4C, next suit instead of 4D. Direct jump to 4C/D in response to 1H/S "opening" is preemptive: fit + side suit.

4 Clubs: assuming that lower of partner's suits is trumps

4 Diamonds: assuming that higher of partner's suit is trumps


- cheapest bid shows minimum of what has been shown already, if 10-14 HCP has been shown, it shows 10 to bad 12 HCP, if 10-12 HCP has been shown, it shows 10 to bad 11 HCP. After such negative response, bidding next non-trump suit is further ace-asking bid (following scheme below). Only having additional values, responder can immediately show aces:

- 2nd step: 0 or 3 aces (king of assumed trumps counts as ace)

- 3rd step: 1 or 4 aces

- 4th step: 2 aces , no trump queen or extra length

- 5th step: 2 aces,+ trump queen or extra length

After ace-showing response, next non-trump suit (bypass NT) is a question for trump queen.

After trump queen has been shown/denied,

next non-trump suit (bypass NT) is asking for specific kings,

2nd non-trump suit (bypass NT) is asking for number of kings.